Bakery Disclaimer

All customers who purchase items from the Pet Barkery acknowledge that they have been presented the ingredients of the items either in written, visual, or verbal communication to ensure the most accurate steps have been taken by all parties. The owner of the pet, or purchasing customer is to assume all responsibility of any illness caused by allergies, Allergic reaction, Cross- Contact, Adverse Effects or Over Indulgence causing sickness to any animal that consumes the product. We are NOT a Nut Free Environment, as posted on our fridge display case, but do try our best to operate in a clean and sanitized environment. Endless Pawzabilities, in under no circumstance, will be liable for any veterinary services or fees arising from consumption of products. In no event shall Endless Pawzabilities Pet Boutique and Barkery; operating under 5053285 Ontario Inc. be liable for any direct or indirect or consequential illness of any kind in respect to the service, information or ingredients used in this product.


Endless Pawzabilities Pet Boutique and Barkery